
Purpose of Study: The purpose of this study is to analyze the legal status of the State Police in the interwar period. The study may be a starting point for further exploration of the subject matter and legal provisions regulating the functioning of the police corps. It should be stated that the examined legal acts fulfilled their role, and the regulations contained in them properly outlined the tasks and objectives that should be followed by the officers of the State Police.
 Methodology: The study used dogmatic and legal research methods. A detailed analysis of selected legal acts made it possible to better illustrate the functioning and development of the structure of the State Police in the years of the interwar period in Poland.
 Main conclusions: The status of the State Police was indisputable and clearly defined in the presented normative acts. The police apparatus was very extensive. The officers had to follow the instructions. Despite the legislative changes, as well as the political turmoil of the time, the standards for the State Police fulfilled their role, and the State Police was considered to be the backbone of state services.
 Application of the study: The study was based on a detailed analysis of relevant legal acts, i.e. laws, decrees, and regulations issued in the interwar period in Poland, using relevant literature items.
 Originality/Novelty of the study: This is the first work presenting an analysis of the most important legal acts regulating the functioning of the administration and the entire corps of the State Police in the Second Polish Republic.

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