
Part 1 History: the political history of al-Andalus (92/711-897/1492), M. Makki Granada - a case study of Arab urbanism in Muslim Spain, J. Dickie The Ornament of the World - medieval Cordoba as a cultural centre, R. Hillenbrand Islamic Seville - its political, social and cultural history, R. Valencia Mozarabs - an emblematic Christian minority in Islamic al-Andalus, Mikel de Epalza the Mozarabs - worthy bearers of Islamic culture, M. Lopez Gomez the Mudejars, L.P. Harvey the Jews in Muslim Spain, R.P. Scheindlin the political, social and cultural history of the Moriscos, L.P. Harvey Al-Andalus and North Africa in the Almohad ideology, M. Fletcher mortal enemies, invisible neighbours - northerners in Andalusi eyes, A. al-Azmeh an Islamic background to the voyages of discovery, A. Hamdani. Part 2 Language and literature: Andalusi Belles Lettres, P. Cachia Andalusi poetry - the Golden period, S. Khadra Jayyusi nature poetry in al-Andalus and the rise of Ibn Khafaja, S. Khadra Jayyusi Zajal and Muwashshaha - Hispano-Arabic poetry and the romance tradition, J.T. Monroe Ibn Hazm and the Tawq al-Hamama, L.A. Giffen linguistic interference between Arabic and the romance languages of the Iberian Peninsula, F. Corriente further listings and categorizations of Arabic words in Ibero-romance languages, D. Messner Arab influences on European love-poetry, R. Boase Al-Andalus and 1492 - the ways of remembering, M.R. Menocal the legacy of Islam in Spanish literature, L. Lopez-Baralt. Part 3 Music: music in Muslim Spain, O. Wright. Part 4 Art and architecture: two paradoxes in the Islamic art of the Spanish Peninsula, O. Grabar the Mudejar tradition in architecture, J. Dodds the arts of al-Andalus, J. Dodds space and volume in Nasrid architecture, J. Dickie ecstasy and control in Andalusi art - steps towards a new approach, J.C. Burgel calligraphy in al-Andalus, A. Fernandez-Puertas. Part 5 Social history and lifestyle: the social history of Muslim Spain, P. Guichard Asluhu li 'l-ma ali - on the social status of Andalusi women, M.J. Viguera the culinary culture of al-Andalus, D. Waines. Part 6 Economic history: an approximate picture of the economy of al-Andalus, P. Chalmeta Muslim merchants in Andalusi international trade, O.R. Constable. (Part Contents)

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