
The article attempts to examine the question of the reasons that led to the League of Arab States (LAS) to be in crisis, and to what extent the ideological basis — Arab unity — was realistic. The author analyses the various elements that define the concept and show their contradictory nature. The author examines the activities of the LAS, which did not achieve its main goal — the Arab unity, and only realized a relative consolidation of the Arab member states on the basis of confrontation with Israel and upholding the rights of the Arab people of Palestine. Noting the gradual weakening of the LAS role, the author considers it as a result of the inefficiency demonstrated by this organization during the aggravation of the Middle East situation after “the Arab Spring”. According to the author, the normalization of relations between a number of Arab states and Israel, as well as the conclusion of The Abraham Accords, was the blow that finally undermined its prestige.

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