The LAGUNA and LAGUNA-LBNO consortia have performed two detailed design studies from 2008 to 2014 to define the optimal combination of baseline and detector technology for the next generation neutrino observatory. Starting from seven sites and three detector technologies the options have been prioritized with the primary choice given to the Pyhäsalmi mine in Finland and the liquid Argon (DLAr) TPC detector technology. This led to a proposal for a European-based next-generation long baseline oscillation experiment, LBNO. The deep underground location of 1400 m offered by the mine is essential to explore neutrino astrophysics and look for proton decay. The mine position at 2300 km from CERN allows quickly to resolve neutrino mass hierarchy and measure leptonic CPV phase δCP by disentangling the matter effects from those caused by CPV. We will demonstrate the capability of LBNO to discover the mass hierarchy at the >5σ level within 4 years of operation using a 20 kt DLAr detector and a conventional neutrino beam created with a 400 GeV 750 kW primary proton beam delivered by CERN SPS. Following the discovery of the mass hierarchy LBNO will pursue the determination of the CP-violating phase δCP. We will show the LBNO sensitivity to measure δCP by studying the shape of the electron neutrino appearance oscillation probability over a broad energy range covering both the 1st and 2nd νe appearance maxima.
In 2013 the LAGUNA-LBNO consortium has proposed LBNO [1], the next-generation long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment relying on a large underground observatory that will seek to address fundamental questions in particle and astroparticle physics
An important prerequisite to the measurement of the CPV is the determination of the neutrino mass hierarchy (MH), the sign of Δm231, which would break the degeneracies in the neutrino oscillation probability that could hide the true value of δCP
We have shown that a 20 kton double-phase liquid argon detector in Pyhasalmi and a convectional neutrino beam based on modestly upgraded CERN SPS, could quickly solve the question of the neutrino mass hierarchy
Galymov / Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings 273–275 (2016) 1854–1860 and νμ → νe oscillation probabilities that depends on the sign of Δm31 (if MH is -1(+1) (anti)neutrino oscillation are suppressed) At this baseline one has the possibility to access both 1st and 2nd maxima of the νe appearance probability. The excellent reconstruction capabilities offered by liquid argon detectors combined with a large fiducial volume would allow to explore a variety of possible decay channels with very little background contamination Such sensitivity would make it possible to access and test a variety of scenarios for grand unification. Accurate measurements of their fluxes and flavour composition would help to understand the intricate mechanisms behind the evolution of supernova explosions In these proceedings, we will review the ability of LBNO to determine the MH and show the sensitivity of the experiment to leptonic CPV
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