
Context: The use of contraceptive is one of programs to suppress birth rate in some countries. To completethe target of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in 2030, some programs are launched and one of themis family planning initiated by Indonesian government, namely Keluarga Berencana (KB). The program hasbeen implemented since 1970 until now. The KB program has got changes and innovation. Nowadays, theimpact of the KB program has shown the good result where the fertility of Indonesian population is gettingdecreased to 2.3 based on World Population Data Sheet. However, among the success of the program,the program has many problems in Indonesia. The study aims to know and to determine whether there isan influence of knowledge about contraceptive method with the men’s fertility marked by owning somechildren, based on the result of Indonesia Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) in 2017. The study usedsecondary data from the result of IDHS 2017 and cross sectional study. The study used secondary data fromthe result of IDHS 2017 with 9668 samples which are married men. Multivariate analysis of the study wasLogistic Regression Analysis. The multivariate analysis shows that the related variable means variableofknowledge about contraception with OR value, 3.90 after getting controlled byvariables of age, education,and wealth. Based on the results of multiple logistic regression analysis, knowledge about contraceptionmethod is significantly related to fertility.

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