
The Killdeer site was reported in July 2007 by Mark Walters, based on a surface reconnaissance of the site area and a small surface collection of artifacts, primarily prehistoric Caddo pottery sherds. The site is situated on a lower upland slope (410 feet amsl) about 190m northeast of Loves Branch, a small stream in the Harris Creek drainage in the Sabine River basin. Soils are a Redsprings very gravelly sandy loam, 8-25% slopes. Darkly-stained sediments and burned animal bone suggest that there is a Caddo midden deposit at the northern end of the site.


  • The Killdeer site was reported in July 2007 by Mark Walters, based on a surface reconnaissance of the site area and a small surface collection of artifacts, primarily prehistoric Caddo pottery sherds

  • 2% of the plain sherds are from vessels tempered with crushed and burned bone; rather, the sherds are from grog-tempered vessels

  • 90% of the decorated sheds are from utility wares, and only 10% are from fine ware bowls and carinated bowls

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The Killdeer site was reported in July 2007 by Mark Walters, based on a surface reconnaissance of the site area and a small surface collection of artifacts, primarily prehistoric Caddo pottery sherds. The plain to decorated sherd ratio is 1.59, which is indicative of the latter part of the Middle Caddo age in this part of the upper Sabine River basin. The decorated sherds from the site are dominated by sherds from utility ware vessels, probably cooking jars (Table 1). The principal utility wares have bmshed (52% of the decorated sherds), brushed-incised (3.4%), and bmshed-punctated (10.3%) decorations; 65.7% of the decorated sherds from the Killdeer site have brushed decorations. These sherds are probably from Bullard Bmshed vessels. Sherds from fine ware vessels are not common in the decorated sherd assemblage from the site, accounting for only 10% of the assemblage (see Table l).

Chipped Stone Tools and Lithic Debris
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