
1. Preface 2. Japanese Modals are Conditionals (by Akatsuka, Noriko) 3. The Cairene Arabic Verb Without Form Classes (by Darden, Bill) 4. The Transition from Oral to Written Competence: Evidence from Teaching Freshman Composition (by Deane, Paul D.) 5. Two Types of World-Greating Predicates (by Farkas, Donka F.) 6. Tojolabal (Mayan) Kinterms and the Theory of Markedness or a Near Triumph of the Feminie Gender (by Furbee, N. Louanna) 7. Tone and Accent in Llogoori (by Goldsmith, John A.) 8. Purpose Infinitives and Their Relatives (by Green, Georgia M.) 9. A Semantic Etymology 10. Are Conditionals Topics? The Japanese Case (by Jacobsen, Wesley M.) 11. Gender and Sex in Standard Modern greek Pet Names (by Kazazis, Kostas) 12. Philosophical Speculation and Cognitive Science Comments of William Lycan's Logical Form in Natural Language (by Lakoff, George) 13. Symmetric Relations (by Langendoen, D. Terence) 14. The Korean Precursors of Generative Phonology (by Manaster-Ramer, Alexis) 15. Why Grammars are Not Monolithic (by Mufwene, Salikoko S.) 16. On Extracting from Asymmetrical Structures (by Na, Younghee) 17. The Markedness of Plurality (by Ojeda, Almerindo E.) 18. Phantom Succesors and the French FAIRE PAR Connstruction (by Postal, Paul M.) 19. A Paper on Yiddish for James D. McCawley (by Sadock, Jerrold M.) 20. Survival of the Positive: History of Japanese Antonyms (by Tagashira, Y.) 21. Lexical Phonology and Japanese Vowel Devoicing (by Vance, Timothy J.) 22. First He Called Her a Philologist and Then She Insulted Him (by Winters, Margaret E.) 23. Jottings on Adpositions, Case Inflections, Government, and Agreement (by Zwicky, Arnold M.) 24. Indices

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