
While sentences are classified according to the modality, not the purpose of expression but the style of expression is taken as a basis. In this case, the attention I paid on how the idea is expressed in the sentence – possibility, necessity, to show the reality and real, necessary and possible forms of the modality are differentiated. This feature is also noted in Turkology. For example, the modality forms in Uzbek language as: 1) ekan modality; 2) bulmak modality; 3) mokci modality; 4) diqan modality; 5) the kilmok verbal modality is formed with + gu suffix + singular of a third person. Obviously, the researcher had considered each form of modality expressed with verb forms as separate type of modality and named these verbs with the name of these verbs. Shows expression of various modal meanings of verb in Yakut language in three types: 1) with mane verb forms, 2) with many auxiliary words; 3) with change of consonant in personal form of verb. The views and opinions of two well-known scientists on Turkic languages show that first of them defines the modality types only with forms of verb and second one with both verb and with aid of other means. Treating the issue on both ways, allows distinguishing many types of modality. To generalize modal meanings in a limited number of modal groups classified with certain criteria is more appropriate. It should be noted that the indicative modality reveals in different forms in Azerbaijani and Turkic languages. The reason for this is the wide variety of expressing time in the Turkish language. These forms have close relations to the indefinite future of Azerbaijani language. A study conducted shows that either in relative languages or in languages of various systems the similar and different features show itself in modality expression.

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