
We investigate the ionized environment of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 985 with a new Chandra HETGS observation and an archival BeppoSAX observation. Both spectra exhibit strong residuals to a single-power-law model, indicating the presence of an ionized absorber and a soft excess. A detailed model over the Chandra data shows that the 0.6-8 keV intrinsic continuum can be well represented by a power law (Γ ≈ 1.6) plus a blackbody component (kT = 0.1 keV). Two absorption components are clearly required to fit the absorption features observed in the Chandra spectrum. The components have a difference of 29 in ionization parameter and 3 in column density. The presence of the low-ionization component is evidenced by an Fe M-shell unresolved transition array produced by charge states VII-XIII. The high-ionization phase is required by the presence of broad absorption features arising from several blends of Fe L-shell transitions (Fe XVII-XXII). A third highly ionized component might also be present, but the data do not allow us to constrain its properties. Although poorly constrained, the outflow velocities of the components (581 ± 206 km s-1 for the high-ionization phase and 197 ± 184 km s-1 for the low-ionization one) are consistent with each other and with the outflow velocities of the absorption components observed in the UV. In addition, the low-ionization component produces significant amounts of O VI, N V, and C IV, which suggests that a single outflow produces the UV and X-ray features. The broadband (0.1-100 keV) continuum in the BeppoSAX data can be parameterized by a power law (Γ ≈ 1.4), a blackbody (kT = 0.1 keV), and a high-energy cutoff (Ec ≈ 70 keV). An X-ray luminosity variation by a factor of 2.3 is observed between the BeppoSAX and Chandra observations (separated by almost 3 yr). Variability in the opacity of the absorbers is detected in response to the continuum variation, but while the colder component is consistent with a simple picture of photoionization equilibrium, the ionization state of the hotter component seems to increase, while the continuum flux drops. The most striking result in our analysis is that during both the Chandra and the BeppoSAX observations, the two absorbing components appear to have the same pressure. Thus, we suggest that the absorption arises from a multiphase wind. Such a scenario can explain the change in the opacity of both absorption components during the observations, but it requires that a third, hotter component be pressure-confining the two phases. Hence, our analysis points to a three-phase medium similar to the wind found in NGC 3783, and it further suggests that such a wind might be a common characteristic in active galactic nuclei. The pressure-confining scenario requires fragmentation of the confined phases into a large number of clouds.

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