
We investigate the metallicity evolution and content of the intergalactic medium (IGM) and galactic halo gas from z=2->0 using 110-million particle cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. We focus on the detectability and physical properties of UV resonance metal-line absorbers observable with Hubble's Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS). We confirm that galactic superwind outflows are required to enrich the IGM to observed levels down to z=0 using three wind prescriptions contrasted to a no-wind simulation. Our favoured momentum-conserved wind prescription deposits metals closer to galaxies owing to its moderate energy input, while the more energetic constant wind model enriches the warm-hot IGM 6.4x more. Despite these significant differences, all wind models produce metal-line statistics within a factor of two of existing observations. This is because OVI, CIV, SiIV, and NeVIII absorbers primarily arise from T<10^5 K, photo-ionised gas that is enriched to similar levels in the three feedback schemes. OVI absorbers trace the diffuse phase with delta<100, which is enriched to ~1/50 Zsol at z=0, although the absorbers themselves usually exceed 0.3 Zsol and arise from inhomogeneously distributed, un-mixed winds. CIV and SiIV absorbers trace primarily T~10^4 K gas inside haloes. We predict COS will observe a population of NeVIII photo-ionised absorbers tracing T<10^5 K, delta~10 gas. MgX and SiXII are rarely detected in COS S/N=30 simulated sight lines although detections trace T=10^(6-7) K halo gas. In general, the IGM is enriched in an outside-in manner, where wind-blown metals released at higher redshift reach lower overdensities, resulting in higher ionisation species tracing lower-density, older metals. At z=0, the 90% of baryons outside of galaxies are enriched to 0.096 Zsol, but the 65% of unbound baryons in the IGM have 0.018 Zsol and contain only 4% of all metals.

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