
This chapter examines the algebraic and geometric properties of the interacting boson model-1, and reviews the interacting boson model-2. Explains that the model was originally introduced with only one kind of collective boson variable with angular momentum J=O and J=2 (the interacting boson model-1), and subsequently, a more elaborate version was introduced with two kinds of collective variables, proton bosons and neutron bosons (the interacting boson model-2). Discusses analytic solutions, transitional classes, extensions of the models, coherent states, transitional classes and shape-phase transitions, energy levels, electromagnetic transition rates, other properties, a microscopic description of interacting bosons, generalized seniority, the single j-shell, several j-shells, and the Ginocchio model. Excludes odd-even nuclei and the corresponding interacting boson-fermion models 1 and 2 from the review.

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