
A BSTRACT: During 15 centuries, has always met with many cultures, even M o sl em s who come from different ethnic and social backgrounds have made a reality. Therefore, the paradigm of humanity science will be always actual to understand the reality of Islamic society in the context of the integration amongs histor ical religio us and cultur al perspectives . The three perspectives can be come on e p istemolog y of multicultural Islam . Its methodology can be developed int o a variety of Islamic objects. In this paper , the e p istemolog y will be more focused on history and culture . B oth are e x plored in a religious context of . T he use of this perspective is based on the development of in Indonesia and Sufism on local communities in particular. A s a n outline of the development, as follow : firstly, the development of always adapt s to the local culture; secondly, ongoing local Islamic construct and it is also changing due to the influence of Western culture and the reform in the Islamic world ; and thirdly, continu ing encounters of contemporary Islamic diversity, due to the development of modern multiculturalism. In addition, the integration of perspectives in explaining can produce knowledge of historical-multicultural, that is in reality, difference, and diversity that occurs and is recognized by the Moslem communities within a certain time. Furthermore, the knowledges based on historical-multicultural can also be used as a discourse for solving human problems that always arise in the present and future days. KEY WORDS : Historical Study; Religious and Cultural Perspectives; Indonesian ; Multicultural Islam; Islamic E pistemology. About the Author: Prof. Dr. Dudung Abdurahman is a Lecturer at the Faculty Adab and Humanities UIN ( Universitas Negeri or State Islamic University) Sunan Kalijaga, Jalan Marsda Adisucipto, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. For academic interests, the author is able to be contacted via e-mail at: durahman.uin@gmail.com Recommended Citation: Abdurahman, Dudung. (2017). “The Integration Perspectives for Historical Study of Indonesian Islam” in TAWARIKH: International Journal for Historical Studies , Vol.9(1), October, pp.9-22. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press and UIN SGD Bandung, ISSN 2085-0980. A rticle Timeline : Accepted (August 17, 2017); Revised (September 19, 2017); and Published (October 28, 2017).

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