
Naqli knowledge refers to knowledge sourced from the Quran and sunah from the prophet p.u.h. since there are many verses from the Quran and hadiths which give insights to modern scientific field. This article discusses issues in relation to the different science disciplines such as physics and chemistry. In physics, many topics can be integrated with the use of Naqli in its teaching including physical quantities, kinematics, force, impulse and momentum, work, energy and power, statics, circular motion, kinematic of rotation of rigid bodies, gravitation, simple harmonic motion and oscillation, mechanical waves, deformation of solids and fluid mechanics. Whereas with regard to chemistry, the topics that could be integrated with Naqli knowledge includes matter, state of matter, atomic structure, periodic table, chemical bonding, chemical equilibrium, ionic equilibria and phase equilibrium. Some of the topics in this discipline are studied in its relation to the Quran. The methodology of this research focusses more on library studies, looking at courses in physics and chemistry at the Tamhidi Centre, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. Next, several topics were selected as sample. After seeing the title of general discussion a study on the verses of the Quran was made to see the link between the verse with the title that has been offered in the course. Selected paragraph submitted in English through the translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. From the findings, based on a number of titles that have been found in both these courses, it is found that there are many verses of the Quran that were linked either directly or indirectly with the title. It shows the title offered by Tamhidi through physics and chemistry courses, has direct link with particular Quran verses. To see the relationship between science and the Quran, it requires the knowledge and understanding of both the science.

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