
Introduction One of the major vectors of solving pedagogic problems with regard to enhancing and economic of VE students is the choice of teaching methods and techniques as well as educational technologies, which in the long view provide graduates' comprehensive functional training and professional competence. Participation of all teachers, opportunities of all disciplines, their logical interrelation, interpenetration, mutual influence by content, forms and methods of teaching to-be specialists are necessary to build up and develop the intellectual potential of students [5]. A detail analysis of the effective ways of educational process quality improvement in a vocational education institution among state-of-the-art technologies allowed bringing integration, which is designed to form educatees' multifunctional knowledge known for mobility and flexibility, to the forefront. By means of knowledge of the said properties the middle-level specialist will be able to solve ever-occurring and ever-changing new professional tasks at a fairly high level. In this case the basis of knowledge becomes more expansive and allows considering the reached and economic level of the VE graduate at the level of the high-level specialist. The Bondar's experience on the basis of Armavir Legal College is known in the field of the integration of social disciplines and humanities. It allowed authors to conclude that an integration process in teaching is one of the main factors of qualitative development of teaching and educational process [2] when training to-be specialists. Let's consider the notion of integration in the context of vocational education. In this case integration is understood as a process and result of the unification, interrelation, and mutual influence of various components of education content in a unified didactic system corresponding to the integral essence of the student's personality. The general development trend of the modern economic education in the area under study and authors' personal experience helped to distinguish the notion of financial and economic literacy as a core factor of the and economic knowledge integration. This notion unifies different content of economic disciplines, forms students' personal qualities, exercises a developmental function, and forms their general in the professional field [1]. Studying the gained experience of teaching and economic disciplines of Nizhny Novgorod Automotive College allows the authors to conclude that integrative teaching economic disciplines has a specific place in the area of vocational education. The Rationale Recently in the course of the realization of vocational education standards in teaching and educational process when teaching and economic disciplines specific changes have taken place. These changes are caused by the revision of education content, the rethinking of many economic events and phenomena that need to be reflected in training theory and practice, new technologies in the educational process [4]. As a result, integrative technologies and task-oriented teaching widely used in the majority of educational institutions have earned approval and active introduction. The integration of academic subjects will ultimately lead to the more concerned, personally significant, and conscious perception of knowledge what will enhance the student's motivation, allow using study time by a teacher in a more efficient and quality manner at the expense of excluding the doubling and repeating of information units unavoidable when studying potentially integratable material without including the previously learned in the system. The systematic and organic backing of notions and skills on a new subject material can lead to the formation of students' abilities and wish to use previous knowledge, to the increase of their quality in the future. …

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