
This literature review examines the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in education and their potential to personalize and improve student learning experiences. A range of AI-assisted systems have been developed for personalized learning, adaptive testing, intelligent tutoring systems, learning analytics, and content creation (Warren and Domingue, 2015; Prendes and Torres, 2018). These systems use AI to adapt the learning experience to the individual needs of each student, with the goal of improving student learning outcomes (Chen and Wang, 2016). However, more research is needed to fully understand the capabilities and limitations of AI in education, as well as to address the ethical and societal implications of using AI in education, such as concerns about privacy and bias (Irfan and Iftekhar, 2017). Additionally, the literature review highlights the potential of emerging areas such as virtual reality education and educational game design to personalize and improve student learning experiences (Irfan and Iftekhar, 2021). The review concludes that while AI and ML has the potential to personalize and improve student learning experiences, it's important to consider the ethical and societal implications and conduct more research to fully understand the capabilities and limitations of AI in education

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