
<p>21世紀大學社會責任旨在為〝整個社會的可持續發展〞做出貢獻。新時期教書育人的理念重視對人長久能力的培養,可以包括:人格修養、批判性分析與創造性思維、富有同理心和文明互鑒的人文精神、從不同角度考察社會問題、多方位理解和看待日益全球化和技術化的當今世界等。近幾年以大學社會責任為宗旨的北京外國語大學二外法語教學實踐,從傳授知識、答疑解惑、課題反思、教學設計等多方面融入立德樹人、知行合一的教育理念,因勢利導、潛移默化地培養學生的社會責任意識和互鑒共賞的文化素養,增強其批判性分析和多維思考能力,激發他們服務社會、貢獻社會的學習熱情。從學習態度、學習成績、關心國內國際大事、熱心公益、積極投身社會活動與實踐等諸方面來看,學生品質整體水準在不斷提高。本文將結合筆者法語教學實踐的案例和體會,探討如何將大學社會責任融入法語教學過程,培養符合社會可持續發展需要的優秀畢業生。</p> <p> </p><p>The university social responsibility in the 21st century aims to contribute to the "sustainable development of the entire society". As a developed concept of imparting knowledge and educating people, the philosophy of education in the new era attaches great importance to the cultivation of long-term abilities of people, including: personality cultivation, critical analysis and creative thinking, empathy and spirit of mutual learning among civilizations, examining social issues from different angles, as well as multi-faceted understanding and looking at the increasingly globalized and technological world today. In recent years, the teaching practice of French as a second foreign language at Beijing Foreign Studies University, which aims at the social responsibility of the university, incorporates the educational concept of cultivating morality and integrating knowledge and action from many aspects in order to subtly cultivate students’ awareness of social responsibility and cultural literacy of mutual appreciation, enhance their critical analysis and multi-dimensional thinking ability, and stimulate their enthusiasm for learning to serve and contribute to the society. From the perspective of learning attitude, academic performance, concern for domestic and international events, and active participation in social welfare activities and practices, the overall quality of students is constantly improving. With some cases and experience in the author’s French teaching practice, this article tries to discuss how to integrate university social responsibility into the French teaching process, so as to foster excellence in students who meet the needs of sustainable social development.</p> <p> </p>

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