
ISRC procedures were used to extrapolate petrophysical parameters away from the existing wells to other parts of the Amboy field. Two formations (Benin and Agbada Formations) are underlain in the study area. The massive Benin Sands outcrop at the surface with the base of fresh water sands at -7440ft., and the Agbada Formation was down to the total depth (-12975ft,). Four reservoir sand packages (C01, D01, D06 and D07) were mapped within the Agbada reservoir unit, but C01, D01 and D07 formed reservoirs of interest. The three sands (C01, D01 and D07) are of Miocene age, and formed a 3-way dip structural closure trapped against the up-thrown side of the NE - SW antithetic fault. The sands are relatively clean and well developed. Reservoir characterization specifics show; - porosity = 24 - 29.8%; hydrocarbon saturation. = 69 - 89%; permeability = 379 - 613 md and oil gravity ranges from 23 to 35 API (Normal Oil). The structural style of this area consists of growth faulting alongside other crestal relief faults. The D07 sand package is the largest reservoir observed in Amboy Field. Also, an increase in porosity, net/gross and hydrocarbon saturation were observed to lower the reservoir acoustic impedance of D07 sand package compared to the shallow reservoir sands.

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