
Topicality. Determination of the nature, internal content, types and contradictions of economic interests of the subjects of the logistics chains of commodity markets is essential for their effective functioning in the system of the national economy. In the process of logistical interactions, market entities form a tiered system of links based on economic partnerships and trade-offs. This helps to balance the economic interests and to form a common interest in the integrated chain. The economic interests of market chains` subjects will have been emerging, interacting and realizing in the institutional system of the market, which necessitates new research into the institutional nature of interests. Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the institutional nature of the economic interests of the subjects of the logistics chains of commodity markets and the typology of the main contradictions between them, as a scientific basis for development the mechanisms for balancing interests of market chains` subjects. During the research the following methods were used:dialectical, theoretical generalization and comparison, graphical, structural-logical method. Research results. In the context of institutional theory, the essence and nature of economic interests of the subjects of logistics chains of commodity markets were substantiated by the authors. The main stages of the formation of economic l interests with the emphasis on their institutionalization, namely transformation into the norm of rational behavior in the commodity market were determined. The substantive characteristics of the economic interests of the entities in the logistics chains, which reveal their institutional nature, were generalized. It is emphasized that in Ukraine there is a partial realization of the economic interests of the state, consumers, small and medium-sized entities, while corporate structures and international associations generally receive full realization of interests in commodity market chains. The classification of economic interests of subjects of market logistics chains by subject and institutional characteristics has been further developed. The authors have developed a typology of contradictions of economic interests in internal and external dimension and substantiated the essence of the main types of contradictions. Conclusion. The scientific novelty of the research is the development of the theoretical foundations of market logistics in the part of substantiation of the institutional nature of economic interests of subjects of logistics chains of commodity markets, the development of classification of economic interests, the development of typology of the main internal and external contradictions of participants of logistics chains. The applied value of the obtained results is determined by the possibility of their use by different institutions as a scientific basis for the development of methodological bases for assessing the level of contradictions of interests of market chains` subjects, as well as new mechanisms for balancing economic interests, in particular institutional ones.


  • Determination of the nature, internal content, types and contradictions of economic interests of the subjects of the logistics chains of commodity markets is essential for their effective functioning in the system of the national economy

  • In the process of logistical interactions, market entities form a tiered system of links based on economic partnerships and trade-offs

  • The scientific novelty of the research is the development of the theoretical foundations of market logistics in the part of substantiation of the institutional nature of economic interests of subjects of logistics chains of commodity markets, the development of classification of economic interests, the development of typology of the main internal and external contradictions of participants of logistics chains

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The scientific novelty of the research is the development of the theoretical foundations of market logistics in the part of substantiation of the institutional nature of economic interests of subjects of logistics chains of commodity markets, the development of classification of economic interests, the development of typology of the main internal and external contradictions of participants of logistics chains. Інституціоналізація ЕІ – перетворення інтересу у раціональну норму поведінки на ринку; економічний інтерес як інститут задоволення потреб Під впливом дії формальних і неформальних інститутів та інституцій, за ланками переміщення матеріалів від первинного джерела сировини до кінцевого споживання й переробки відходів, у процесі виробництва, розподілу, обміну й споживання Заснована на діяльності індивідів, суб’єктів господарювання, держави, дії інститутів й інституцій, суспільства. Деякі з перелічених інтересів держави співпадають з ЕІ ринкових суб’єктів (наприклад, працівників підприємств, споживачів, пріоритетних ланок ланцюга, охоплених бюджетною підтримкою, суспільства щодо забезпечення екологічної безпеки тощо); у цьому випадку має місце узгодження економічних інтересів учасників логістичних ланцюгів товарних ринків і держави. Однак деякі національні інтереси суперечать ЕІ певних учасників ринкових ланцюгів, зокрема, монополій, великих корпоративних структур і т.д., що генерує протиріччя; у цьому випадку держава може використати специфічні інструменти узгодження та впорядкування економічних інтересів суб’єктів ЛЛТР. Таблиця 3 Типологія протиріч економічних інтересів суб’єктів логістичних ланцюгів товарних ринків [авторська розробка]

Між суб’єктами та державою
13. Про національну безпеку України
13. Pro natsionalnu bezpeku Ukrainy
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