
Employees are the most powerful resource of any firm in order for it to succeed in such a competitive market place. Employee performance is measured as how effectively an employee performs their work obligations and tasks. Employee performance include elements such as work quality, volume, and productivity, as well as professional habits. Employee performance is determined mostly by corporation's performance management system. Individuals with the necessary dedication and abilities for functioning around organisational objectives are developed through performance management. We will investigate the links between performance management and employee performance in the research. We have chosen 5 distinct parameters under performance management: training and development, performance review, planning and goal setting, monitoring performance, and incentives & rewards. In this study, a quantitative survey questionnaire approach was employed. The survey acquired 648 sample answers from working professionals in the IT sector using a basic random sampling approach. The PLS-SEM technique was utilised to analyse the data with Smart-PLS 4. According to the findings, there is a significant association between employee performance and indeed the company performance management system. All performance management system attributes have a strong connection with employee performance in the IT industry. There is one exemption that measuring performance daily has no relationship between employee performance and in fact it creates negative impact. Keywords- Employee performance, Performance management, IT sector, Correlation, Performance Appraisal

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