
This research aims to know the influence of the equilibration to the quality of the swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) cement after thawing including: motility, and percentage of live spermatozoa. This research used the fresh cement from a 4 years old water buffalo was collected using an artificial vagina,and evaluation cement for macroscopic and microskopic to see if cement was worthy or not worthy to frozen. Good quality cement was diluted by adding Andromed, then semen were incorporated into the straw using the machine filling sealing followed by equilibrated with 3 treatment groups. Group I (n = 3 straw) with equilibration time of 3 hours, the Group II (n = 3 straw) with a time of equilibration was 5 hours, and group III (n = 3 straw) with equilibration a time of 7 hours. After equilibrated, straw frozen and stored in liquid N2 (BIBD Tuah Sakato procedures). The results show that the length of time the real equilibration effect (P 0.05) on the motility and percentage life of swamp buffalo spermatozoa. Equilibration 5 hours of time differs markedly with equilibration time 3 and 7 hours, motility, and percentage of live spermatozoa (44.15±1.70; 46.50±1.36 vs 14,55±1,58; 1.42±37.38 vs. 15.37±1.58; and 37.50±1.25). In conclusion, equilibration time is showed on the cement of swmp buffalo after 5 hours thawing.Key words: equilibration, swamp buffalo, thawing


  • This research aims to know the influence of the equilibration to the quality of the swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) cement after thawing including: motility, and percentage of live spermatozoa

  • The results show that the length of time the real equilibration effect (P < 0.05) on the motility and percentage life of swamp buffalo spermatozoa

  • Fertility trial under field conditions with frozen buffalo bull semen using Tris yolk glycerol extender

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Jurnal Medika Veterinaria

Vol 8 No 1, Februari 2014 spermatozoa yang rusak selama proses pembekuan (Supriatna dan Pasaribu, 1992). Menurut Toelihere (1981), waktu ekuilibrasi adalah periode yang diperlukan spermatozoa untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan pengencer, sehingga pada waktu pembekuan, kematian spermatozoa yang berlebihan dapat dihindari. Waktu ekuilibrasi dapat diberikan selama beberapa jam dalam suhu rendah dan dilaksanakan segera setelah semen diencerkan dengan pengencer. Penelitian integritas semen pada kerbau lumpur telah dilakukan dengan melihat persentase tudung akrosom utuh dan membran plasma utuh untuk ekuilibrasi selama 2, 4, dan 6 jam pada berbagai metode pembekuan semen oleh Herdis et al (1999). Waktu ekuilibrasi merupakan suatu tahap awal proses penurunan suhu bertingkat spermatozoa untuk mencegah cold shock sampai semen dimasukkan dalam kontainer nitrogen cair. Berdasarkan asumsi-asumsi di atas diperlukan suatu penelitian yang bertujuan mengetahui dampak waktu ekuilibrasi terhadap kualitas semen kerbau lumpur (Bubalus bubalis) setelah thawing untuk menghasilkan kualitas semen beku yang baik

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