
Abstract Romanian society has seen an unpredictable political, economic and social dynamic due to political changes that took place in the late 90's, following until today a path dotted by numerous disturbing elements. Superimposed on European and global reformation, these changes have requested inclusion of Romanian policies into economic and social paradigms, which has caused major changes in all public administration systems. The HR segment, sensitive to the challenges of the external environment, perceived as a source of opportunity, but equally as a source of threat - by continuously changing laws, economic conditions, demographic policies, social and technological changes, etc. - strongly feels such changes. Thus, the major role of HR departments is a sound and efficient management of their resources, by adopting flexible adaptation strategies, based on accessing opportunities and avoiding threats. However, HR structures must consider staff response to consequences caused by these changes, in addition to external positive or negative impact. A major goal of sustainable development was the implementation of policies intended to optimize administrative capacity and professionalization of public services, as a measure of effective governance and good public policies. In achieving this, human resource occupies an important place, and the major challenge was to harmonize this segment, with influence in any governmental institution, with the effervescent environment to which it belongs. The study presented in this paper is based on a focus-group research that, by applying an interview matrix to the samples selected, analyzing and interpreting the responses, aims to highlight the political, social and economic impact on human resources, and the ability of organizations to adapt to these changes.

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