
This study explores the impact of the instability of influencer marketing on brand marketing in the context of China's mobile Internet boom. With over 1.08 billion mobile Internet users, social platforms like TikTok have emerged as significant e-commerce channels. Influencer marketing, driven by influencers, plays a crucial role in connecting with targeted consumers. The research focused on the theme "The Influence of the Instability of Influencer Marketing on Brand Marketing," utilizes qualitative methods, particularly the process tracking method in case studies. The chosen case for analysis is the Florasis influencer marketing event. The study combines relevant theories, agenda-setting, opinion leaders, and the SOR model of consumption to investigate instability factors and their impact on brand marketing. Instability factors are classified into subjective factors of the influencer, packaging by the influencers team, and three characteristics of the influencer. The analysis identifies causes and influencing factors contributing to the instability of influencer marketing. The study concludes that the instability of these live streams poses risks and impacts on brand marketing, emphasizing the need for corresponding countermeasures in brand marketing strategies and collaborations with Key Opinion Leaders(KOLs).

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