
Formulation of the problem. Modern trends in the construction industry make this industry one of the main consumers of high-strength cold-deformed steel products. The high requirements imposed on the strength classes of such reinforcement (1 670, 1 770, 1 860 and 2 000 MPa) necessitate the use of rutile rolled products with a carbon content of 0,8...0,9 % in diameter 8,0...14,0 mm with the value of the temporary rupture resistance is not less than 1 150 MPa and a high level of plastic indicators (δ10 ≥ 10 %, y ≥ 30 %). In practice, when cooling is rolled with an increase in its diameter, the effect of the scale factor is manifested – the actual cooling rate is reduced, and in order to achieve the required structural state of steel, it is necessary to search for reserve possibilities for increasing the stability of the supercooled austenite and adapting the cooling rates to the operating conditions of the operating Purpose. Investigation of the influence of the heating temperature on the stability of austenite and the change the kinetics of decomposition of high-carbon vanadium-containing steel under continuous cooling with different rates. Results. The features of the kinetics of the decomposition of austenite and the regularities in the formation of the structure of vanadium-containing steel С82DV heated to a temperature of 1 040 °C and subjected to continuous cooling at various rates have been studied. Heating of С82DV steel to a temperature of 1 040 °C allows us to somewhat lower the temperature of the onset of the diffusion decomposition of austenite (Аr1), as a result of which the degree of dispersion of perlite increases, and the actual cooling rate increases with all other conditions being equal. The most rational intervals of air cooling rates for С82DV steel are established, which allow to ensure formation of at least 90 % of sorbitol-like perlite in the structure of steel, exclude the appearance of secondary cementite, and also structures formed by intermediate and shear mechanisms.


  • The features of the kinetics of the decomposition of austenite and the regularities in the formation of the structure of vanadium-containing steel С82DV heated to a temperature of 1 040 °C and subjected to continuous cooling at various rates have been studied

  • V. Development of thermomechanical treatment of coil rolled products made of steel С86D micro-alloyed with boron / E

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The features of the kinetics of the decomposition of austenite and the regularities in the formation of the structure of vanadium-containing steel С82DV heated to a temperature of 1 040 °C and subjected to continuous cooling at various rates have been studied. Повышение температуры позволяет провести более полную гомогенизацию химического состава стали, способствует рассасыванию концентрационных флуктуаций, выступающих зародышами при распаде аустенита [1; 2]. При термической обработке бунтового проката необходимо учитывать фактическую скорость охлаждения металла в области диффузионного превращения, повышение которой может быть достигнуто за счет роста величины аустенитного зерна при более высоких температурах окончания горячей деформации. Эффективным параметром, который позволяет улучшить комплекс механических свойств сталей перлитного класса, является скорость воздушного охлаждения проката. Представляло интерес провести сравнительный анализ влияния температуры аустенитизации ванадийсодержащих сталей близкого химического состава на изменение кинетики распада аустенита при непрерывном охлаждении с различными скоростями. Цель работы − исследование влияния температуры нагрева на устойчивость аустенита и изменение кинетики распада высокоуглеродистой ванадийсодержащей стали при непрерывном охлаждении с различными скоростями

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