
High-order harmonics generated by a linearly polarized laser field are also linearly polarized. Having in mind that for various application, such as the exploration of magnetic materials, chiral molecules etc., we need circularly polarized high harmonics which serve as coherent soft x-rays, we explore high-order harmonic generation by the so-called bicircular laser field. This field consists of two coplanar counter-rotating circularly polarized fields of different frequencies equal to integer multiples of a fundamental frequency ω. High harmonics generated by such field are circularly polarized with helicity alternating between +1 and −1. Combining a group of such harmonics, instead of obtaining a circularly polarized attosecond pulse train, one obtains a pulse with unusual polarization properties. But, if the harmonics of particular helicity are stronger, i.e., if we have helicity asymmetry in a high-harmonic energy interval, then it is possible to generate an elliptical or even circular pulse train. We theoretically investigated a wide range of bicircular field-component intensities (I1 and I2) and found regions where both the harmonic intensity is high and the helicity asymmetry is large. Particular attention is devoted to the ω−2ω and ω−3ω bicircular fields and atoms having the s and p ground states. In our calculations we use strong-field approximation and quantum-orbit theory. We show that, even in the extreme case of I2 = 8I1, for an ω−3ω bicircular field, high-order harmonic generation is more efficient than in the I2 = I1 case. The obtained results are explained analyzing the relevant electron trajectories and velocities, which follow from the quantum-orbit theory. For the atoms having p ground state the helicity asymmetry parameter is large for a wide range of high-harmonic photon energies, while for the atoms having s ground state the helicity asymmetry parameter can be large only for low harmonics. We confirm this by averaging the obtained results over the intensity distribution in the laser focus.

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