
We present low-frequency approximation (LFA) for high-order harmonic generation (HHG) process. LFA represents the lowest-order term of an expansion of the final-state interaction matrix element in powers of the laser-field frequency $\ensuremath{\omega}$. In this approximation the plane-wave recombination matrix element which appears in the strong-field approximation is replaced by the exact laser-free recombination matrix element calculated for the laser-field dressed electron momenta. First, we have shown that the HHG spectra obtained using the LFA agree with those obtained solving the time-dependent Schr\odinger equation. Next, we have applied this LFA to calculate the HHG rate for inert gases exposed to a bicircular field. The bicircular field, which consists of two coplanar counter-rotating fields having different frequencies (usually $\ensuremath{\omega}$ and $2\ensuremath{\omega}$), is presently an important subject of scientific research since it enables efficient generation of circularly polarized high-order harmonics (coherent soft x rays). Analyzing the photorecombination matrix element we have found that the HHG rate can efficiently be calculated using the angular momentum basis with the states oriented in the direction of the bicircular field components. Our numerical results show that the HHG rate for atoms having $p$ ground state, for higher high-order harmonic energies, is larger for circularly polarized harmonics having the helicity $\ensuremath{-}1$. For lower energies the harmonics having helicity $+1$ prevails. The transition between these two harmonic energy regions can appear near the Cooper minimum, which, in the case of Ar atoms, makes the selection of high-order harmonics having the same helicity much easier. This is important for applications (for example, for generation of attosecond pulse trains of circularly polarized harmonics).

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