
The purpose of this study was to determine how much influence the quality of the teacher's personality has on spiritual growth. A teacher should ideally have a personality that is suitably aligned to a deeper sense of spirituality so that he or she can role-model desired behaviours and impart the desired Christian characteristics the Lord desires of them. In this article, the researcher discusses some of the critical personality and spiritual values that must be possessed by teachers in order for them to effectively accomplish their role as a teacher. The Apostle Paul described the desired qualities for a teacher in his letter to the Ephesians and also in Timothy. This research was conducted at the Yogyakarta Baptist Church, Indonesia. This study used quantitative methods to collect representative data that was be tested in answering the problems studied. The results in this study demonstrate that there is a moderate relationship between teacher quality and spiritual growth. Statistical analysis of the questionnaire stated that there was a two- tailed relationship of 0.524 at a significance level of 0.01/1% and was accepted with a probability of 0.000. The magnitude of the coefficient of determination of variance (r2x) is 0.274, which means that Personality Quality (X1) contributes to spiritual growth (Y) by 27.4%. If the teacher's Personality Quality score increases by one unit, the average spiritual growth score (Y) will increase by 0.874 from the current condition.

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