The purpose of this study is to see how self-efficacy and family environment at SMK PGRI 2 Kediri affect student learning motivation. With a population of students of SMK PGRI 2 Kediri, especially accounting majors, this study used quantitative methodology. A total of 75 people were selected as samples using saturated sampling technique. The findings of the analysis show that the Sig. value of the self-efficacy variable, family environment, and interest in learning are all less than 0.05: the value of the self-efficacy variable is 0.001, the value of the family environment variable is 0.007, and the value of the interest in learning variable is 0.000. Analysis of research data using the F test (simultaneous test) obtained the results of Fcount = 36.432 with a significance value of 0.000 so that the learning interest variable (Y) is simultaneously influenced by the self-efficacy variable (X1) and the family environment (X2). Keywords: Self Efficacy, Family Environment, Learning Interest
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