
Introduction Dwight D. Eisenhower (October 14, 1890-March 28, 1969), thirty-fourth President of United States, served for two terms, from 1953 to 1961. In 1952, he received largest number of votes until then for a presidential candidate (Miller, Piety 3) and 1956 he topped own record. Why he was so popular involved many factors, one of them being personal appeal to common people and their perception of spiritual (Miller, Piety 10). The story of religious upbringing of Dwight Eisenhower is helpful understanding both president Eisenhower as a person and presidency. The dominant religious influence Eisenhower home when boys were young was early Watchtower theology and beliefs. Both parents were deeply involved and highly committed to Watchtower theology throughout most of their children's formative years. Ida took lead religiously, and her husband, David Eisenhower, later became disillusioned with certain Watchtower teachings; nonetheless, while growing up this was a major influence, according to many sources including Eisenhower family's published and unpublished writings (Davis 40). In words of one of major biographers of Eisenhower, Ida's religion, which came dangerously close to intolerant dogma, had a real but difficult to assess influence character development of her children (Davis 40). Davis adds that each boy was to retain all life long a profound respect for moral tenets that parents derived, or thought they derived, from their religion (49). As adults, none of Eisenhower boys were formally involved with Watchtower, and even at times tried to skirt their Jehovah's Witness upbringing. The eldest Eisenhower boy, Arthur, even once stated that he could not accept religious dogmas of parents although he had his mother's religion heart (Kornitzer 64). They also openly rejected certain Watchtower medical conclusions and theology, especially its eschatology and millennial teachings. Although as adults none of Mrs. Eisenhower's boys were what she and other Witnesses referred to as in truth, she was always hopeful that they would someday again embrace which they were raised. Nonetheless, their Watchtower upbringing many ways influenced them throughout their lives. Even later life, Dwight preferred the informal church service with singing and vigorous preaching like he grew up with (Dodd, Early Career 233). Furthermore, Dwight's mother, Ida was relatively supportive of her boys during most of their careers, at times stating that she was proud of them and their accomplishments, even those achievements that violated her Watchtower faith. Eisenhower Family Background Dwight and five brothers, Arthur (b. 1886), Roy (b. 1892), Earl (b. 1898), Edgar, and Milton (b. 1899) were raised Abilene, Kansas. His parents, David and Ida Eisenhower, owned a modest two-story white wood sided frame house on South 4th Street Abilene, Kansas. The Eisenhower family was never well off financially and Ida, a frugal hard-working woman, planted a large garden on their three-acre lot to raise much of family's produce needs. Their small farm included cows, chickens, a smokehouse, fruit trees, and a large vegetable garden (Neal). The values of Dwight Ike Eisenhower's parents and their home environment were reflected enormous success of all of their children. The most dominant influence Eisenhower home was likely religion, primarily Watchtower (known as Bible Students until 1931) and, to a much lesser extent, River Brethren (Bergman, Jehovah's Witnesses; Dodd letter). Both parents were very active Watchtower during most of Eisenhower children's formative years. Eisenhower's mother, Ida Eisenhower, stated that she became involved with Watchtower 1895 when she was thirty-four and Dwight was only five years old (Cole 190). …

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