
The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP), as an important regional Free Trade Area agreement (FTA), provides for new provisions for cross-border data flow. RCEP focuses on the security, which allows cross-border data flow basis on respecting national data sovereignty while setting up basic security exceptions. This respect-based cooperation and co-governance model is different from the "zero-sum game" in Europe and the United States.In addition, the RCEP cross-border data flow clause plays a great significant role in promoting regional digital governance and improving the global data flow rules when the WTO related rules lag behind.As the RCEP contracting party, China should be as the external driving force, on the fundamental of the national security concept to expand the level of open cross-border data flow, form data governance "Chinese template", contribute to digital development and data governance wisdom and Chinese solutions, promote a more inclusive, more open digital pattern of international law.

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