
The article presents the results of research on the study of the features of growth, development and formation of productivity elements of Obryi and Vodogray potato varieties depending on the influence of mineral fertilizers, protective agents and biological preparations under foliar fertilization. It is best to use Prestige as a potato tuber herbicide, since the colonization of plants by the Colorado potato beetle was noted 43-51 days after germination, somewhat worse indicators were observed in Matador varieties, colonization was noted 39-49 days and Masterpiece 37-47 days after emergence. In terms of varieties, the mid –early variety Obryi has the least resistance to colonization by the Colorado beetle, and accordingly, the highest resistance is noted in the mid-early variety Vodogray. The level of productivity of medium-early varieties of potatoes studied in the experiment of Obry and Vodogray increases with the use of impregnation agents for the treatment of seed material, on average by 6.4 - 9.3 t/ha, as well as the level of marketability of tubers on average from 8.3 to 10, 2% compared to control options. Such characteristics as the height of plants, the number of stems per bush, the number of stems per hectare and the area of the leaf surface in the conditions of 2020-2021 increase under the influence of the use of biostimulants. That is, the lowest values of the listed indicators were noted on the control variant (var. 1), and the highest values were respectively noted on variant 5, where Emistym C was applied (treatment of tubers + application in the phase of closing rows). Levels of yield and marketability of tubers in the years of research were high, while conditions in 2021 were more favorable compared to 2020.It should also be noted that the lowest values of yield and marketability of tubers were noted on the control version 1, and the use of biostimulants led to an increase in the above indicators. The highest values of the yield and marketability of tubers in the years of research were noted in experiment version 4, where Fon + Plantafol was applied (treatment of tubers + in closing rows) and in experiment 5, where Fon + Emistim C was applied (treatment of tubers + in closing rows).

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