
The General Election Commissions Regulation No. 7 of 2013 states that in submitting a list of candidates for political parties, women must include at least 30% of each electoral district. This is intended to minimize the dominance of men in political power, especially in the Legislature. This is due to the fact that the condition of women in politics is still considered marginalized when compared to the position of men. This is because the system of culture, education, economic level and others are still in favor of men. So that the position of women is disadvantaged in the political arena. Therefore, the involvement of women in politics will become an Affirmative Action which requires that women need to be involved in political activities, both at the political party level and at the government level. This study aims to determine whether there is an influence between Motivation, Patriarchal Culture and Image on the Level of Women's Political Participation, especially in the Legislature of North Sulawesi Province. This study uses a quantitative research method based on positivistic (concrete data). The research data is in the form of numbers that will be measured using statistics as a calculation test tool. Data analysis used SPSS 26. The results of the study proved that patriarchal culture had a significant effect on women's political participation, motivation had a significant effect on women's political participation, imagery had a significant effect on women's political participation, patriarchal motivation and Imaging together has significantly influenced women's political participation.

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