
This study aims to test the influence of participatory budgeting, organizational commitment, organizational culture and leadership style on managerial performance with work motivation as a moderating variable on Raden Mattaher Jambi Regional General Hospital. Populations of the research this is who served as management structural at the general hospital raden mattaher jambi. Technique taking sample using purposive sampling, which is choosing sample based on certain criteria according to what the researcher wants. This study is a survei research using a questionnaire instrument. Data analysis technique used is by using multiple regression and moderated regression analysis. Statistical hypothesis testing the test statistic F and t. These results indicate that: (1) participatory budgeting has no effect on managerial performance. (2) organizational commitment influences managerial performance. (3) organizational culture influences managerial performance. (4) leadership style influences managerial performance. (5) wok motivation is able to moderate the relationship between participatory budgeting, organizational commitment, organizational culture and leadership style towards managerial performance.

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