
Purpose. To determine the influence of mutagens on plant growth and development of hybrid progenies (F1M1) and varieties (M1) of winter wheat obtained from seeds treated. Methods. In 2006-2013, seeds of F1 hybrids and varieties were treated with chemical mutagens N-nitroso-N-ethyl-urea (NEU), N-nitroso-N-methyl urea (NMU), 1,4-bisdiazoacetylbutane (DAB), dimethyl sulfate (DMS) at various concentrations. Dry seeds were also irradiated with gamma rays at dose of 100 Gy. Results. In 2007, when treating seeds with NMU 0.025 %, germination in 52.2 % of hybrid combinations was significantly over control. In 2011, when treating seeds with mutagens (NEU 0.01 %, NMU 0.0125 %, DMS 0.0125 %), 57.8 % of hybrid combinations exceeded the control for field germination under predominantly stimulating action of the two mutagens (NEU 0.01 % and NMU 0.0125 %). A significantly high stimulating effect the mutagen DMS 0.05 % (in 2012) on field germination of hybrid seeds was detected in 67 % of combinations, while when treating seeds with DMS 0.0125 % (in 2011), it was only in 33 % of combinations. In 2012, among eight varieties which seeds were treated with DAB 0.05 % six of them showed the stimulating effect of the mutagen on field germination level. In the winter of 2007–2008, excess over the control overwintering level in hybrids after treatment with NEU 0.005 % and NMU 0.025% was noted (in 47.7 % and 54.5% of combinations resp.). In 2011–2012, when treating seeds with NEU 0.01 %, the overwintering level exceeded the control in 27 % of combinations, while when treating with the mutagens NMU 0.0125 % and DMS 0.0125 %, it did in 20 % of combinations. In 2012–2013, when treating hybrid seeds with the mutagens NEU 0.05 % and DMU 0.05 %, overwintering level of plants significantly exceeded the control in hybrid combinations Romantika / TAM 107 and Yermak / Demetra (the latter was submitted to State Variety Testing as the variety MIP Valensiia) and also in the varieties Demetra when treating with DMS 0.05 %, and Voloshkova (DAB 0.05 %). Phenological observations conducted in 2008, 2011 and 2012 showed that for the most of F1M1 hybrids and M1 varieties heading dates did not exceed 1–3 days earlier or later than in the control. However, in some cases there are deviations from the control for 7 and 5 days which are rather significantly. Conclusions. It was revealed either inhibiting or stimulating effects of chemical and physical mutagens on winter wheat hybrids and varieties. Depending on kind of mutagen, concentration and genotype, these effects occurred in the parameters of field germination, overwintering level and heading date of F1M1 and M1 plants grown from seeds treated with the mutagens.

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