
J&T Express is a company operating in the field of goods expedition, encompassing both documents and packages. Despite being a new company, J&T Express utilizes IT in its service offerings, providing the convenience of parcel pick-up, eliminating the necessity for customers to visit J&T offices for sending goods. Nonetheless, a phenomenon hindering the performance of courier employees in this company is observed, characterized by declining motivation and work discipline each year. This research aims to investigate the impact of work motivation and work discipline on the performance of courier employees at J&T Express Juanda Sidoarjo. The data were gathered through observations, interviews, and the distribution of questionnaires to respondents in the courier section. The sampling method employed in this research is the saturated sampling technique. The respondents involved in this research were 60 employees working in the courier section of J&T Express. The outer model test evaluates validity and reliability initially. When testing hypotheses using the SEM PLS method, the t-test, p-values, and original samples are determined. Based on the results of the conducted research, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence between the variables of work motivation and work discipline on the performance of employees in the courier section of J&T Express Juanda Sidoarjo.

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