
The influence of long-term drinking of Citric acid on the organism of female rats was studied by the investigation of morphological and biochemical indices and organ mass coefficients. The study was performed on 10 laboratory female rats F0, which were organized in groups (5 – control, 5 – experimental) 2–2.5 months aged, with body mass 110–120 g. The animals of the experimental group received aqueous solution of Citric acid (С6Н12О6 х Н2О, “ch.p.”) in the dose 0.8 mg/kg b. m. during the physiologic and puberty periods, fertilization and pregnancy. Animals of both groups had constant access to the drinking water. The received results of studies of red cells in the experimental group are comparative to the control group animals indicate the tendency to decrease the number of red blood cells by 6%, hemoglobin in the blood on 22.7%, average hemoglobin concentration in hemoglobin by 25%, average hemoglobin content in the erythrocyte on 20.9%, average hemoglobin volume on 4% against the background of an increase of hematocrit value on 5.4%. The experimental data obtained indicate a probable increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood of the experimental group of animals on 42.4%, and a tendency for a 2-folf increase in eosinophils. The results of biochemical studies of serum indicate minor differences between serum iron content (increase on 5.6%) in experimental and control animals groups. Also, the received results indicate the tendency of an increase by 3.3% of serum trasferrin on the background of decrease of total (by 3.6%) and unsaturated (by 7.6%) Fe-binding ability of blood. Animals receiving Citric acid found a tendency to increase, in terms of indicators of ALT activity – by 18.9% and alkaline phosphatase by 13.2% comparing with the control group of animals. The blood of female rats showed significantly higher urea level of 72.5% and a lower creatinine level of 19.6%. The content of average molecular weight substances in the serum of female rats of the experimental group under the influence of Citric acid is less than in animals of the control group on 2.8%. Studies of the individual organs status with the determination of their weight and mass coefficients revealed that against a background to the coefficients of the control group of female rats the weight of the liver increased likely by 16.1%. In the future, we plan to investigate the effect of long-term drinking of Citric acid on the organism of F1 rats.


  • The influence of long-term drinking of citric acid on the organism of F0 female rats

  • The influence of long-term drinking of Citric acid on the organism of female rats was studied by the investigation of morphological and biochemical indices and organ mass coefficients

  • The study was performed on 10 laboratory female rats F0, which were organized in groups (5 – control, 5 – experimental) 2– 2.5 months aged, with body mass 110–120 g

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The influence of long-term drinking of Citric acid on the organism of female rats was studied by the investigation of morphological and biochemical indices and organ mass coefficients. Тваринам дослідної групи випоювали водний розчин лимонної кислоти (С6Н12О6 х Н2О, “хч”) у кількості 0,8 мг/кг маси тіла протягом фізіологічного і статевого дозрівання, запліднення та Scientific Messenger LNUVMB. Отримані результати досліджень показників червоної крові у тварин дослідної порівняно з тваринами контрольної груп вказують на тенденцію до зниження кількості еритроцитів на 6%, гемоглобіну в крові на 22,7%, середньої концентрації гемоглобіну в еритроциті на 25%, середнього вмісту гемоглобіну в еритроциті на 20,9%, середнього об’єму еритроцита – на 4% на тлі збільшення гематокритної величини на 5,4%. Вміст речовин середньої молекулярної маси в сироватці крові самиць щурів дослідної групи за впливу лимонної кислоти є менший, ніж у тварин контрольної групи на 2,8%. Ключові слова: морфологія крові, біохімія сироватки крові, лимонна кислота, самки, щури

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