
It is well known that organic matter in the form of dung is utilised as a food source by some earthworms, but little has been reported on the preferences of earthworms for different types of dung in agricultural settings. An experiment was carried out in spring in south-eastern Australia to evaluate the effect that dung from different livestock has on the abundance of earthworms in a grassland environment. We were particularly interested to compare the responses of native Australian earthworms (Megascolecidae) with those of exotic earthworms (Lumbricidae and Acanthodrilidae). The attractiveness of dung from sheep, cattle and horses was measured by determining the abundance and biomass of the resident earthworm species under each dung type at varying times after adding the dung to the soil surface (0, 10, 20 and 30 days). The earthworm population consisted of three exotic species, Apporrectodea trapezoides, Microscolex dubius and M. phosphoreus, and two native species, Spenceriella macleayi and S. bywongensis. Both the number of days that the dung was available to earthworms and the type of dung influenced the numbers and biomass of the earthworms found beneath the dung pats. Significant interactions existed between time and dung type when all adult earthworms were considered as one group and also when adults were split into individual species. The various species responded differently to the dung, but horse dung was generally the more preferred dung type. The significance of these results is discussed in terms of the management of dung in an Australian pastoral context.

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