
Background: The reason this observation was carried out was to analyze the relationship between learning problems and the implementation of values and solutions in physical education for class students. The data from this research are 23 students of class XII IPS 1 at SMA N 1 SUNGAI PUA (targeted selection Purpose: Overall, the objective suggests a research inquiry into the intersection between challenges in learning and the cultivation of physical education values among students. It implies a desire to uncover how educational obstacles may hinder or shape students' adoption of these values, which could have implications for educational practices, curriculum development, and student support initiatives within the realm of physical education. Methods: This observation used qualitative methods and distributed questionnaires to each student and filled them out personally. Taking samples for this observation is based on the researcher's knowledge about the samples to be selected. Results: Based on these observation conditions, it can be concluded that problems in Physical Education learning are very important to pay attention to, so that they do not impact the application of values and solutions in Physical Education learning and the Reability results of this research are (α0.921). Conclusion: our study sheds light on the significant relationship between learning problems and the implementation of physical education values among students. Through our investigation, we have identified several key findings that underscore the importance of addressing learning challenges in the context of promoting physical education values.

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