
Today, there is a massive change in school education management. Principals are required to apply E-management in leading schools. This study aims to explore gender, the level of education, and mastery of information and communication technology (ICT) and its influence on the E-Management of the principals. The research was conducted in Tulungagung, Indonesia. Data collection techniques use questionnaires and documentation and are analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-tests, and Pearson Product Moment correlation. The results showed that the principals' mastery of ICT was adequate with using WhatsApp, Zoom, Google Forms, Email, Telephone, Facebook, Video Recording, and Websites as the primary communication techniques in implementing E-management. There is no relationship between the level of education and implementation of E-management of the principals. The level of mastery of ICT affects the implementation of the Principals' E-management. There is no difference in applying E-management of the principals by gender.

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