
The article considers the influence of interactive learning and constant psychological support on the level of mental development of a junior schoolchild. The analysis of literature sources showed that interactive learning as a specific form of organization of cognitive activity, promotes the manifestation of internal potential, optimizes the mental development of primary school students, creates comfortable learning conditions in which each student feels his success and intellectual ability. It is substantiated that the game, as one of the types of interactive learning, plays an important role in working with younger students, because the game is an extremely powerful tool for developing the abilities of primary school students. The experiment involved 366 junior high school students, namely: 111 students of the experimental class of parallel "B" of the primary school of the first stream, 129 students of the experimental class of parallel "B" of the primary school of the second stream and 126 students of the control class of parallel "A" of the second stream. The following methods were used: 1) Phillips school anxiety test; 2) sociometric method (J. Moreno); 3) proofreading test "Ring of Landolt" (selectivity of attention); 4) methods for studying the concentration and stability of attention (modification of the Pieron-Roser method); 5) methods for determining the mental development of junior high school students EF Zambatsevichene. It is determined that modern children need a completely different approach to education and upbringing. learning, in which each student feels his success and intellectual ability. The influence of interactive learning on: the formation of a high level of motivation to learn and the level of cohesion of class groups; to improve selectivity and concentration; to improve logical and mechanical memory, reduce anxiety in younger students. It is concluded that an effective means of developing the mental abilities of primary school students are new methods of interactive learning, including psychological play in combination with constant psychological support. It was determined that . From this we can conclude about the effectiveness of the latest methods of interactive learning and psychological support for the development of the personality of primary school children. Based on the results of the study, the impact of interactive learning on: reducing the level of anxiety in younger students; on the formation of a high level of motivation for learning and the level of cohesion of class groups; on the selectivity and concentration of attention; to improve logical and mechanical memory. Based on the obtained results, methodological recommendations for primary school teachers were developed and tested in order to ensure the positive impact of interactive learning on the development of the personality of primary school students. Prospects for further research are the improvement of interactive teaching methods, including psychological games and their further implementation in the educational process of secondary schools.


  • The article considers the influence of interactive learning

  • The analysis of literature sources showed that interactive learning as a specific form

  • It is substantiated that the game

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У статті на основі аналізу психолого-педагогічної літератури вивчено підходи щодо впливу інтерактивного навчання на розумовий розвиток молодшого школяра. Сучасні діти потребують постійного психолого-педагогічного супроводу, який спрямований на створення соціально-психологічних умов для емоційного благополуччя, успішного розвитку, виховання і навчання дитини в ситуаціях соціально-педагогічних взаємодій, організованих в рамках освітнього закладу.Гуманістичне оновлення школи неможливе без актуалізації внутрішнього потенціалу учнів у процесі тих діяльностей, які природно забезпечують саморозвиток. Наприкінці навчання молодших школярів у початковій школі було проведено ще одне комплексне дослідження, з метою визначення ефективності впливу інтерактивного навчання як чинника розвитку молодшого школяра. Четвертий психодіагностичний зріз проведено наприкінці навчання молодших школярів у початковій школі, з метою визначення ефективності впливу інтерактивного навчання як чинника розвитку особистості молодшого школяра.

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