
The manuscript describes the analysis of the influence of the I, Se, S citrate on the chicken broiler organism in high and low concentrations which was synthesized цитрату with the help of the electropulse nanotechnology method. Chicken broilers of the experimental groups of cross ROSS-308 from the day old I, Se, S citrate were drunk in the ration I – 3 : Se – 1 : S – 5 parts from the rate, first experimental group 10 mcg I/l, second – 40 I/l of drinking water. The use of both doses of I, Se, S citrate till 35 day of technological cycle had no probable effect in the biochemical processes of the poultry blood, however was a tendency to decrease the creatinine levels by 6%, urea by 21%, triacylglycerols by 13.3%, inorganic phosphor by 14.3% and АсАТ activity on 8% in chicken broiler of the first experimental group as increase in the content of cholesterol by 11.4%, albumin by 4.8% and ALT activity on 28.3% compared with the poultry of the control group. Chicken broilers which were drunk higher concentration of I, Se, S citrate with water, revealed the same amount of creatinine, cholesterol in blood serum and ALT activity as the poultry of control group, but the urea level has the tendency to decrease on 15.8%, АсАТ activity on – 8%, and triacylglycerols content – 1.9 times. There is a tendency to increase of albumin and inorganic phosphor levels respectively by 10.2 and 14.3% in the blood of these chicken. The use of the I, Se, S citrate in the dose of 10 mcg I/l till 48 day of technological period of growth and development caused a corresponding effect on the lipid metabolism in poultry organism, which indicates a likely decrease in blood levels of triacylglycerolsна in 1.6 times on the background of increase the cholesterol level by 27.3%. There is also a downward trend of levels of Calcium by 14.8; Phosphor by 22.2%, albumin by 12.3%, creatinine by 3.2% and aminotransferase activity: ALT – by 10.5 and АсАТ – by 3.4%. Urea level tended to increase by 15.4% in relation to the indices of the control group. It is probable that, in comparison with the control poultry group, an increase in chicken broilers blood serum levels of urea by 2.4 times, cholesterol and inorganic phosphor by 1.9 times when drinking I, Se, S citrate with water in the dose 40 mcg I/l till 48 day indicates the possibility of protein, lipid and mineral intensity. There was marked a tendency to increase the levels of creatinine on 10.2%, triacylglycerols – by 7.7%, and decrease the content of Calcium by 14.8% and АLТ and АсАТ activity by 11.4 and 7.2%, respectively, which given likely with other blood indices differences may be due to kidney, liver and thyroid gland functions changes. The investigation of the individual organs status of chicken broilers of both experimental groups by determination their mass coefficients indicates the absence in changes in liver functions the thymus and the fabric bag, and a probable increase in heart mass control on 23.5%, the mass coefficient of the spleen – by 1.7 times. In the future, it is advisable to study the influence of different concentrations of I, Se, S citrate on the hormone-synthesizing thyroid gland function.


  • The manuscript describes the analysis of the influence of the I, Se, S citrate on the chicken broiler organism in high and low concentrations which was synthesized цитрату with the help of the electropulse nanotechnology method

  • Chicken broilers of the experimental groups of cross ROSS-308 from the day old I, Se, S citrate were drunk in the ration I – 3 : Se – 1 : S – 5 parts from the rate, first experimental group 10 mcg I/l, second – 40 I/l of drinking water

  • The use of both doses of I, Se, S citrate till 35 day of technological cycle had no probable effect in the biochemical processes of the poultry blood, was a tendency to decrease the creatinine levels by 6%, urea by 21%, triacylglycerols by 13.3%, inorganic phosphor by 14.3% and АсАТ activity on 8% in chicken broiler of the first experimental group as increase in the content of cholesterol by 11.4%, albumin by 4.8% and ALT activity on 28.3% compared with the poultry of the control group

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Іnstitute of Animal Biology NAAS, Vasyl Stus Str., 38, Lviv, 79034, Ukraine. Теsarivskа, U.І., Fedoruk, R.S., Коvalchuk, І.І., Коleshchuk, О.І., Tsap, М.М., Chrabko, М.І., & Маrtynyk, S.Ya. (2019). Застосування обох доз I, Se, S цитрату до 35 доби технологічного циклу не мало вірогідного впливу на біохімічні процеси в крові птиці, однак відзначено тенденцію до зменшення у курчат-бройлерів першої дослідної групи рівня креатиніну на 6%, сечовини на 2%, триацилгліцеролів на 13,3%, фосфору неорганічного на 14,3% та активності АсАТ на 8% при збільшенні вмісту холестеролу на 11,4%, альбуміну на 4,8% та активності АлАТ на 28,3% порівняно з показниками птиці контрольної групи. Порівняно з птицею контрольної групи, збільшення вмісту в сироватці крові курей-бройлерів сечовини у 2,4 разу, холестеролу та фосфору неорганічного у 1,9 разу за випоювання з водою I, Se, S цитрау в дозі 40 мкг I/л до 48 доби вказує на можливе напруження білкового, ліпідного та мінерального обміну. Тому метою наших досліджень було вивчити вплив на організм курчат-бройлерів тривалого, впродовж повного технологічного циклу вирощування птиці, випоювання з водою I, Se, S цитрату у різних дозах за умов відсутності кокцидіостатика в комбікормі

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