
The wheat production range from one year to another and is influenced by the climatic conditions, the cultivated variety and the presence of the pathogens which cause foliar and ear diseases . Also the quality of production ( protein and gluten ) is influenced by the pedological and climatic condition and diseases. The effect of the fungicide treatments in vegetation on the production and quality was studied in 2012-2013 at ARDS Turda, in the Phytopathology laboratory field . The study was conducted with five wheat varieties : Ariesan , Apullum, Turda 2000, Dumbrava and Andrada and the test variants were: no treatment ( T0), one treatment, ( T1) and two treatments (T2 ). The vegetation treatments have been carried out with the products Nativo ( 1l/ha) at the flag leaf appearance and Prosaro ( 1l/ha) at the end of the flowering . Since the Fusarium head blight, produced by different species of the genus Fusarium, is the most important disease in wheat crops and has a high impact on the quality and quantity of production, the percentage of diseased kernels was determined . The production was evaluated in kg/ha and the qualitative parameters were determined using the INSTALAB600 and AGRI CECK analyzer. Following the observations made and the statistical interpretation of data, we can say that applying vegetation treatments the percentage of diseased grains decreases compared to the control. The yield increases when treatment was applied. The gluten and the protein content recorded a slight decrease or increase , depending on the test variant ; the ash content decreased when the treatments were applied on the vegetation period . The application of fungicide treatment on the vegetation is an important link in the wheat cultivation technology , ensuring the achievement quantitative and qualitative higher production .

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