This paper presents the results of studying the effect of dry-leaved Chamerion angustifolium (L.) Holub dry powder on quality indicators of wheat bread, in which part of the highest-grade wheat flour was replaced by 3, 5 and 10% of powder. The study showed that the addition of narrow-leaved powder in different amounts (3, 5 and 10% by weight of wheat flour) at the stage of cooking, the dough has a different impact on the quality indicators of the products. With the increase in the amount of the infusion of narrow-leaved powder, the organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators change: the color of the product changes from dark golden to dark brown, the presence of the additive increases in taste and smell, but the products have the correct form, without explosions and cracks, elastic, very soft crumb, with a thin-walled and uniform porosity. With an increase in the amount of the added additive, the porosity decreases, but it does not reach the lower limit of the standard. Acidity and humidity increase, which negatively affects the quality and reduced shelf life of the finished product. Therefore, it is proposed to use dry powder of narrow-leaved fireweed in the amounts of not more than 3% by weight of the flour. Studies have shown that during storage at the bakery product with a 3% additive of dry leaf powder for 72 hours, the total crumb strain is reduced by 32 units. AP-4/2 penetrometer, while in the control sample - by 44 units. Thus, the process of staling bread with the addition of narrow-leaved fireweed powder is slower than that of the control sample, and the recommended shelf life of the finished product is 72 hours.
На рынке хлебобулочных изделий широко представлена продукция для профилактического и лечебного питания
Study of bread staling by means of vibro-acoustic, tensile and thermal analysis techniques // Journal of Food Engineering. 2016
КРИТЕРИЙ АВТОРСТВАCONFLICT OF INTEREST The authors declare no conflict of interest
Представлены результаты изучения влияния сухого порошка кипрея узколистного Chamerion angustifolium (L.) Holub на показатели качества пшеничного хлеба, в котором часть пшеничной муки высшего сорта заменялась 3, 5 и 10% порошка. Внесение добавки порошка кипрея узколистного в разном количестве (3, 5 и 10% от массы пшеничной муки) на стадии приготовления опары оказывает разное влияние на качественные показатели изделий. Поэтому предлагается использование сухого порошка кипрея узколистного в количестве не более 3% от массы муки. Процесс черствения хлеба с добавлением порошка кипрея узколистного идет медленнее, чем у контрольного образца, и рекомендуемые сроки годности готового продукта составляют 72 часа. Ключевые слова: порошок кипрея узколистного, хлеб пшеничный, органолептические показатели, кислот-ность, пористость, влажность
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