Sulfur concrete was prepared by using the initial components: sand as an aggregate, modified sulfur binder, and talc, alumina, microsilica, and fly ash as fillers. Portland cement concrete was made of the same aggregate and fillers and portland cement. The durability of prepared concrete samples was tested in following aggressive solutions: 10% HCl, 20% H2SO4, and 3% NaCl as a function of time. Changes in mass and strength of the sulfur concrete were monitored periodicallly during the immersion time of 360 days in above solutions. These changes were used as a measure of deterioration level. It should be highlighted that the samples with the ash and especially talc exhibit higher durability in the solutions of HCl and H2SO4 than the samples with alumina and microsilica. In the solutions of NaCl all samples shown excellent durability while the samples with talc were the best. Portland cement concrete samples after two months lost 20 % of mass and shown degradation of mechanical properties. By usage of sulfur for sulfur concrete production, huge environmental problem regarding storage of waste sulfur from oil refining process is solved. On the other hand, sulfur concrete with its low price has an excellent quality for the application in aggressive environments unlike more expensive PCC.
Sastav i relevantna polazna fizičko-mehanička svojstva pripremljenih referentnih uzoraka sumpornog betona, 24 h nakon vađenja iz kalupa i nege na vazduhu na sobnoj temperaturi prikazani su u tabeli 2
Pritisne čvrstoće pre i tokom testiranja na otpornost u različitim agresivnim sredinama ispitivane su na presi Amsler sa maksimalnim opterećenjem od 200 kN (GF, Beograd), standardizovanom metodom za ispitivanje čvrstoće betona (SRPS EN 196-1:2008)
It should be highlighted that the samples with the ash and especially talc exhibit higher durability in the solutions of HCl and H2SO4 than the samples with alumina and microsilica
U radu je ispitana koroziona otpornost sumpornog betona u uslovima različitih hemijski agresivnih sredina. Rezultati su pokazali da uzorci sumpornog betona sa elektrofilterskim pepelom i talkom imaju bolju korozionu otpornost u kiselim sredinama u odnosu na betone sa glinicom i mikrosilikom. Sumporni beton dobijen pomoću modifikovanog sumpornog veziva i odabirom odgovarajućeg agregata pokazao je izuzetne i jedinstvene osobine kao što su velika čvrstoća i otpornost na zamor, odlična otpornost na koroziju u kiselim i slanim sredinama i veoma brzo vezivanje. Punioc ima dve osnovne funkcije: sitna frakcija punioca (≤ 75 μm) popunjava prazan međuprostor između zrna agregata čime se povećava homogenost i tečljivost betonske smeše i dobija gusto pakovan proizvod sa minimalnim sadržajem šupljina i pora; druga funkcija punioca je uloga modifikatora, na taj način što pri hlađenju i očvršćavanju sprečava stvaranje velikih kristala sumpora i poboljšava mehaničke karakteristike betona [1,2]. Kao parametri za određivanje stepena razaranja materijala, praćeni su promena mase uzoraka SB i degradacija pritisne čvrstoće
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