
Garlic is one of the typical highland plants that is widely used for medicine and seasoning (food). The white bottom has many benefits and has been developed by cultivation by the community including in North Toraja Regency. The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of applying fertilizers of different types on garlic plants. The research method used was an experimental method with a Complete Randomized Design Technique, consisting of 4 different types of fertilizers with an observation time of 8 and 15 weeks after planting with 2 repeats so that 16 observational data were obtained. Data analysis was carried out with a parametric statistical analysis approach with the Anova real difference test technique (Analysis of variance). The results of the study obtained that based on the number of leaves obtained a significant difference in the influence of fertilizers. Similarly, at plant height, the same conditions are obtained, namely significant differences in all types of fertilizers. Thus, it is concluded that the influence of fertilizers is very different markedly on the growth of garlic plants, both in terms of the number of leaves and the height of the plant.

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