
Ten puppies of the German shepherd breed at the age of up to 60 days were divided into two groups – control and experimental. The influence of low-frequency electromagnetic radiation of “PARKES-L” device on the indexes of exchange of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and activity of key enzymes of carbohydrate and protein exchange: aspartat-aminotransferase, alanine-aminotransferase and laktat dehydrogenase were determined. The “PARKES-L” device which has the range of working frequencies from 0,1 hertz to 30 kHz, the action of device is based on the reflex mechanism of action of weak low-frequency electromagnetic impulses on the receptors of skin (biologically active areas) of animals. The effect of device is obtained due to radiation of electromagnetic impulses by infrared light-emitting diodes, which are at the back and front sides of the device. It was determined that under the influence of electromagnetic radiation the processes of intermediate exchange of organic compounds are not changed, but anabolic processes in tissues increase which are in the process of growth and development of puppies. Therefore, till the end of the experiment it was determined that living mass of puppies of experimental group exceeded control group by 580 grams. We also proved that under the influence of electromagnetic radiations the use of nitrogen contained metabolites increased, taking into account the increase of whole protein concentration and protein fractions. Energy exchange also gets better due to the increase of aerobic oxidation that is confirmed by the increase of oxidizing phosphorylating reaction and reliable increase of kreatinin concentration. The increase of lipid fractions (triglycerides and phosphatides) and concentration of lipid fractions also confirm the strengthening of anabolic processes in tissues. It was determined by the research the increase of free amino acid in blood of puppies of experimental group on the background of diminishing of nitrogen ammonia level that is related to the increase of biosynthesis of amino acid in tissues by the mechanism of amination of keto-acids due to better use of non-protein nitrogen. Under the influence of “PARKES-L” radiation the activity of aminotransferase (aspart-aminotransferase, alanine-aminotransferase and laktat-dehydrogenase) increased for certain (Р ˂ 0.001) that testifies the increase of exchange of proteins and carbohydrates level. It is determined in our research that the influence of low-frequency electromagnetic radiation stimulates the growth and development of puppies of the German shepherd breed. Functional activity of the systems of haemopoiesis, digestion and processes of biosynthesis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and also activity of key enzymes of protein and carbohydrate exchanges increased under the influence of “PARKES-L” device.


  • Ten puppies of the German shepherd breed at the age of up to 60 days were divided into two groups – control and experimental

  • The “PARKES-L” device which has the range of working frequencies from 0,1 hertz to 30 kHz, the action of device is based on the reflex mechanism of action of weak low-frequency electromagnetic impulses on the receptors of skin of animals

  • It was determined that under the influence of electromagnetic radiation the processes of intermediate exchange of organic compounds are not changed, but anabolic processes in tissues increase which are in the process of growth and development of puppies

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Kharkov State Zooveterinary Academy, Akademichna Str., 1, Mala Danylivka, Kharkiv region, Dergachi district, 62341, Ukraine. Вплив електромагнітного випромінювання приладу “ПАРКЕС-Л” на обмін речовин у цуценят. На 50-ти цуценятах німецьких вівчарок у віці від народження до 60 діб, яких розділили на дві групи: контрольну та дослідну, досліджували вплив низькочастотного електромагнітного випромінювання приладу “ПАРКЕС-Л” на показники обміну білків, жирів, вуглеводів та активність ключових ферментів вуглеводного і білкового обміну: аспарт-амінотрасферази, аланінамінотрансферази та лактатдегідрогенази. Що під дією електромагнітних випромінювань цуценят підвищується використання азотовмісних метаболітів, про що свідчить підвищення концентрації загального білка, білкових фракцій. Численними дослідженнями встановлено, що кожна клітина, орган, система органів, як і організм в цілому є джерелами низькочастотного електромагнітного випромінювання, параметри яких залежать від функціонального стану клітин органів і систем організму.

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