
Purpose. To analyze domestic and foreign scientific sources on the influence of biotic and abiotic factors on the development and reproduction of the beet nematode in the soil.
 Results. Long-term research has established that the development and reproduction of the beet nematode are influenced by a complex of biotic factors, among which the most important are the root secretions of plants grown in a field infected with heteroderosis, which can stimulate or inhibit the emergence of parasite larvae from eggs, infestation of sugar beet sowings with weed that are hosts of heterodera, as well as the presence of various species of fungi and bacteria that attack nematode eggs, larvae, and cysts and are considered natural regulators of nematode in agrocenoses. Among the abiotic factors, according to scientists, temperature, humidity, aeration, type and pH of the soil, oxygen content, etc. have significant influence on the viability of various stages of the beet nematode, the duration of development and the number of its generations.
 Conclusions. The results of research on the influence of biotic and abiotic factors on the vital activity of the beet nematode indicate the complexity of the relationship of this parasite with various plant species, other microorganisms that inhabit the agrocenosis, and environmental conditions. The high ecological plasticity of the nematode contributes to its significant spread in temperate climates, and the increase in the density and harmfulness of its population in the soil is ensured by the cultivation of favorable crops in the field, as well as by the combination of optimal conditions of temperature, humidity and other factors during vegetation. Further study of various factors that, first of all, negatively affect the development and reproduction of the beet nematode will prepare the conditions for the development and implementation of new alternative approaches of nematode control in sugar beet sowings.

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