
Aim Our aim was to investigate the influence of biogeographical barriers along the Pacific coast of North America on population genetic structure and gene flow using Cassin's auklet (Ptychoramphus aleuticus) as a test case. Location We collected samples from 287 Cassin's auklets breeding along the Pacific coast of North America from the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, USA, to Baja California, Mexico. Methods We amplified a 706 base pair fragment of the mitochondrial control region and 11 microsatellites to obtain independent estimates of population genetic structure and gene flow among colonies using programs based on coalescent and Bayesian theory. We tested whether genetic differentiation was related to geographical distance between sampling sites, and whether gene flow has occurred between differentiated groups. Results We found two distinct genetic groups along the Cassin's auklet breeding range. These clusters matched the current subspecies designations, except that individuals breeding in the Channel Islands, California, were traditionally classified with the northern subspecies but were more genetically similar to the Baja California subspecies. Population genetic differentiation was not evident within either of the two genetic groups, despite large geographical distances between sampling locations. Evidence suggests that gene flow has occurred from the northern genetic group (Aleutian Islands to Southeast Farallon Islands) into the southern genetic group (Channel Islands to San Benito Island) since divergence, but gene flow may not have occurred in the opposite direction. These results suggest that a barrier to gene flow from south to north may occur at Point Conception. Main conclusions Although a relatively short geographical distance occurs between sampling sites of Cassin's auklets across Point Conception, individuals breeding north of Point Conception are genetically differentiated from individuals breeding in southern California and Baja California. Population genetic differentiation of the southern genetic group provides support for a role of a barrier to gene flow around Point Conception in generating biodiversity in this area.

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