
This study aims to determine the effect of arm length, hand-eye coordination, and arm-toe coordination on the bowling ability of male cricket athletes in Jakarta. Data collection was carried out in early January 2021, which took place at the campus of the Jakarta State University Cricket Arena. The method of research used in this research is survey method with path analysis technique or path analysis. The sample used in this study amounted to 18 people who came from the male Cricket Athlete in Jakarta. The first test that was carried out was measurement of arm length. Then proceed with a test of eye-eye coordination, arm power and bowling ability for male cricket athletes in DKI Jakarta. The hypothesis testing technique used in this study is to use path analysis techniques. The data that has been obtained aka n through a process of analysis of the data through SPSS. The results of this study are: 1) the direct effect of variable X1 on Y (X1  Y) or (r1y) = -0,245. So the effect of arm length (X1) directly affects bowling ability (Y) of -0.245 or -24.5%. 2) The direct effect of variable X2 on Y (X2 Y) or (r2y) = 0.535. So the effect of eye-hand-foot coordination (X2) directly affects bowling ability (Y) by 0.535 or 53.5%. 3) The direct effect of variable X3 on Y (X3  Y) or (r3y) = 0.457. So the effect of arm power (X3) directly affects the bowling ability (Y) of 0.457 or 45.7%. 4) The direct effect of variable X1 on X3 (X1  X3) or (r13) = 0.552. So the effect of arm length (X1) directly affects arm power (X3) by 0.552 or 55.2%. 5). The direct effect of variable X2 on X3 (X2  X3) or (r23) = 0.407. So the effect of hand-eye coordination (X2) directly affects arm power (X3) by 0.407 or 40.7%. 6) The indirect effect of variable X1 on Y through X3 (X1  X3  Y) or (r13y) = 0.552x0.457 = 0.253. So the effect of arm length (X1) indirectly affects bowling ability (Y) through arm power (X3) by 0.253 or 25.3%. 7) The indirect effect of variable X2 on Y through X3 (X2  X3  Y) or (r23y) = 0.407x0.457 = 0.186. So the effect of hand eye coordination (X2) indirectly affects bowling ability (Y) through arm power (X3) by 0.186 or 18.6%.

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