
Mrs. Kay Ball writes in this article about the changing pattern of management education, in the United Kingdom, over the last decade. In particular she discusses the impact, and crossfertilization, that has taken place between Industry and the new Centres of Management Education. British Management Education is expected, by Mrs. Ball, to enter “the more bracing air of the 1970's, critical of past methods but with ideas as to new directions to be explored”. Pragmatic readers, perhaps suffering indigestion from an over-rich diet of new management techniques dished out at some Business Schools, will be pleased to read of the emphasis Mrs. Ball puts on in-company training. Mrs. Ball is also the co-author of a report on “Management Education; a Study of Resources”, commissioned by the National Economic Development Office (NEDO), to be published by HMSO. Our readers may, therefore, be forgiven for making inferences, from this IMM article, about the content of the NEDO successor to the Rose Report on “Management Education in the 1970's” and speculating on possible changes in the pattern of management education and the impact of such change on industrial marketing.

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