
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that it is possible to define and compute the index of an isolated critical point for densely defined operators of type(S+)L(S_{+})_{L}acting from a real, reflexive and separable Banach spaceXXintoX∗.X^{*}.This index is defined via a degree theory for such operators which has been recently developed by the authors. The calculation of the index is achieved by the introduction of a special linearization of the nonlinear operator at the critical point. This linearization is a new tool even for continuous everywhere defined operators which are not necessarily FrĂ©chet differentiable. Various cases of operators are considered: unbounded nonlinear operators with unbounded linearization, bounded nonlinear operators with bounded linearization, and operators in Hilbert spaces. Examples and counterexamples are given inlp, p>2,l^{p},~p>2,illustrating the main results. The associated bifurcation problem for a pair of operators is also considered. The main results of the paper are substantial extensions and improvements of the classical results of Leray and Schauder (for continuous operators of Leray-Schauder type) as well as the results of Skrypnik (for bounded demicontinuous mappings of type(S+)).(S_{+})).Applications to nonlinear Dirichlet problems have appeared elsewhere.

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